Sunday, April 3, 2011

Chapter 1 Mightier than the sword

http images virtulology. com/ac/4/i/ency 0265.JPg

In the summer of 1776 , the world was in disarray . Most colonists began an open rebellion so strong and so potent that it could create a world power all it's own.Most countries such as France , Russia , Cuba ,the Philippines, started to look for they own interesting.

In 1776 Thomas Paine was committed both to revolution and to help shape American history. He wrote "common sense and it played a singular role in transform the British political and social . The course of human history in the second millennium was change by this. When the Dissension Take Root, it was about the political background of the American revolution . In 1763 the British again victory over the French. The constant battles nearly left the British treasury bankrupt.

Sam Adam would in 1773 , organize the Boston Tea Party. In the 1760s, he began writing hundreds of essays and new articles. In 1764 he debate  that the British parliament was imposing too many taxes on the colonists.
http www. 00701 Jpg

http wikimedia. org / wilkipedia /common/ thumb
  I decided choose this chapter because Thomas Paine writing inspired me  to learn more about common sense. The year 1776 was important because it helped shape American . I chose this chapter because Thomas Paine is one of my role model because of his writing . Http // www. Thomas, www. deism .com/ Paine htm, http www. Thomas Paine society .org

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