Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Chapter 7 Deftying The Ku klux Klan



The Ku klux  was reborn on the Thankgiving night 1915. The founding father of Ku Klux klan is William Joseph Simmons was influential man att the time . During his early years he studied medicine at John Hopkins University , later on became a preacher for the Metholist Episcopal church. Just like most organize they had rules and regulations. The Klans enemies were Blacks, Jews Roman Catholic or anybody else who were not a native born anglo or celtic protestant.

The Ku Klux Klan began in 1866 destroying the freedom of former slave from exercising their rights. The KKK recruiters also make agreement to provide better school systems , improve law enforcement and better community.  The Ku Klux Klan were against president Abraham Lincoln when he decided freed the slaves in the states that had seceded from the Union.

The women Ku Klux klan began in the mid 1869 co founded by Rosie Chappel it lasted ten years. The women were often use as synbol sexual superiority to their counterparter.

I decided to choose this chapter because I wanted to learn about the structure organization and what they believe in . http// www. , http// www. kukluxxklan .b2, http// kkk.b2/ .

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