Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Chapter13 WaterGate Forces The President To His Knees

On june 17, 1972 three Washington D.C police officers caught five men trying to listen to the president of the Unite States name Richard Nixon . The three men wore business suits and rubblier surgical gloves. So most people at the time would belief that their were suited for the job.

http www.
http//richard nixon
http www. history
That situation open a lot of rumors and revealed that Richard Nixon White House was one of the most corrupt of the time and it helped pave the for most journalist. The judical branch, legislative branch and executive branch of the U.S government , forced Richard Nixon  to give up his job. The Washington Post placed the information on the burglary story on the front page . During that time Washington was a political town, it was an election year .  Most people were interesting to learn about hinted story and perhaps more than a routine crime.

The White House press secretary Ron Ziegler refused to talk about the burglary situation. His situation help paved the way two young reporters to help cover the story of the Watergate story. Bob Woodward was  Twentynine  year old who graduated from Yale and devoted his time at the navy before focusing  on his career as a journalist. Eventually he was hired from the Post at 1971. Carl Bernstein was twenty eight year old and worked as copy boy at the Washington star before he dropped out of the University of Maryland. The White House bureaucracy was the biggest story in American history . It helped made journalistic become legends but also changed the course of American History. Richard Nixon was finally forced to hand over tapes the the America people heard everything that was going on . On August 9, 1974  Richard Nixon became the only U.S president in history to resign from office.

I decided to choose this chapter because Richard Nixon was the first Unite State president in history to resign from office. I also compared different corruption during American history. Unfortunately today the level of corruption is the same . http// Nixon , http// water gate. infor/nixon, http// www. Nixon

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