Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Chapter13 WaterGate Forces The President To His Knees

On june 17, 1972 three Washington D.C police officers caught five men trying to listen to the president of the Unite States name Richard Nixon . The three men wore business suits and rubblier surgical gloves. So most people at the time would belief that their were suited for the job.

http www.
http//richard nixon
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That situation open a lot of rumors and revealed that Richard Nixon White House was one of the most corrupt of the time and it helped pave the for most journalist. The judical branch, legislative branch and executive branch of the U.S government , forced Richard Nixon  to give up his job. The Washington Post placed the information on the burglary story on the front page . During that time Washington was a political town, it was an election year .  Most people were interesting to learn about hinted story and perhaps more than a routine crime.

The White House press secretary Ron Ziegler refused to talk about the burglary situation. His situation help paved the way two young reporters to help cover the story of the Watergate story. Bob Woodward was  Twentynine  year old who graduated from Yale and devoted his time at the navy before focusing  on his career as a journalist. Eventually he was hired from the Post at 1971. Carl Bernstein was twenty eight year old and worked as copy boy at the Washington star before he dropped out of the University of Maryland. The White House bureaucracy was the biggest story in American history . It helped made journalistic become legends but also changed the course of American History. Richard Nixon was finally forced to hand over tapes the the America people heard everything that was going on . On August 9, 1974  Richard Nixon became the only U.S president in history to resign from office.

I decided to choose this chapter because Richard Nixon was the first Unite State president in history to resign from office. I also compared different corruption during American history. Unfortunately today the level of corruption is the same . http// Nixon , http// water gate. infor/nixon, http// www. Nixon

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Chapter 10 Exposing Joe Mccarthy

http// www.
http// www. delivery.
http// unload. wikimedia org.
In this chapter they are  key men who began their career as politicians during the 1950s . Joseph McCarthy was an Amercian politician who helped propel the republican party into the white house for the first times in 2 decades. Then three years later his career went downward and out of control. Another rising star was Roy Cohn who is known as the best American attorney who became famous for his close relationship with senator Joseph McCarthy.
 His career as an attorney was very sucessful . He helped pave the way for most successful leaders in modern America. He represented businessman and mobsters such as Donald Trump, Tony Salerno , Carmine Galante and John Gotti and studio 54 owner Steve Rubell and Ian Schrager and the NewYork Yankee baseball club. He built close relatioship  with the elite people such as Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan.

Edward R.Murrow helped reshape Television news and helped develop programs and commericals . Later on he would become an Icon of electronic journalism.He began to attract people because of his deep sense of humanity and style that sounded like poetry. In 1947 he became a legend on t.v. By 1953, the percentage of Amercian people who had t.v 's in their homes jumped to 80 percents.

I decided to choose this chapter because Roy Cohn was one of my favorite attorney during the 1950s. Also compare the broad casting program during the 21 century to the board casting style of Edward R.Murrow in the 1950s . http;// en. wikipedia. org// wiki/ Roy Cohn , http;// en wikipedia .org/ wiki/ Joseph Mccarthy , http// www. senator

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Chapter 12 The Vietnam war

 http// www.Vietnam

http// teaching vietnam
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During the Vietnam war televison became extremely instrumental bringing the war home to American living room. The network began increas Tv show from fifteen minutes to half an hour in 1963. Many media and political believe that bringing battle images in the America living room it would help turn it would help turn the america public against war. But it was completely opposed because America people were drawn to the Vietnam war it was the hotest news .  During the early 1960s people began showing the news on t.v instant of reading the newpapers. Television  showed image of war in ways that cannot be reproduce in new into everyt America living rooms on a nightly basis it showed up close images of the war.

The 1960s most people received their information about the war for Tv rather the newspapers. The televison network were drawning huge numbers of viewers from ABC, CBS, and NBC attracted a combined audience of 35 million per night.

Television news help end the war because most America people were watching innocent people dying  . It became uncomfortable for views.

I decided to choose this chapter because the Vietnam war was a great trauma for the america people . http www. vietnam , http www. Vietnam ,www.pbs org/ battle field vietnam.

Chapter 11 Pushing The Civil Rights Movement onto the National Agenda

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http;// life ondover beach
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During the 1950s, African American had faced alot of discrimination to keep them away from white Amercian. The white elite made system to helped keep African American from expressing freedom such the right to vote and education system . In 1954 most black American throught the education was unequal. The decision of brown vs Board of education cast to peka helped African America to fight against unfair laws.

NBC newman, Bill monroe said when you see and hear a wildly angry man on the news it attracted audience and grap your audience attention . Dan Rather of CBS recalled looking for place to stay when covering story in Missippi he recalled signs like " No dogs nigger allowed ".

In the early 1960s Alabama became a war zone in the civil right movement . Three thousand Africa American were arrested or injured by police brutality . In 1963 the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr civil  right leader ,who targeted Birmingham to stop the violence. He also used Ghandi theory of nonviolence . Martin Luther King Jr speech " I have a dream helped change and revolutioned the American society.

I  decided to choose this chapter because it seem very interesting . I also compare chapter 11 about Africa American discrimination and chapter 8 about the Jews discrimination seen similar. http// www. martin luther King .org, http// www. King , http//

Chapter 9 Creative " Rosie the Riveter"


http// www. four winds
World War 2 provided alot of opportunity for females. Females were able to expanded the role and change the traditional social order. For years men dominated the workfield but after World War 2 the nation needed man power , so their turn to women power . In the 1940 Unite State of American reshape it images because women began working outside of their home. One female that stillout was Rosie the Riveter gaining level of confidence because she learned not only she can work in a factory but she also found place in society.

Most Journalistic  believe World War 2 was the opportunity for most women . After winner the war our country had many weakness and help paved way for women opportunity. Women were so customed were short and later on to slack suits. The negative effort the men felt like failute because their were unable provide for his family. Newpaper article began compared men and women in the workfield just to gain advertising.

The NewYork time wrote article that women excelled in other factory job as well . It help created a gender battle that women were more activities then the men because their manages to excel in their job and also taking care of her husband and the family . Half century ago women were known as the four wall of the home now women have same right as men.

I decided to choose this chapter because I compare women in the world field 20 century and women in the workfield 21 century. I also believe all men and women are created equally. http , http// www. army of women .org/ , http// www.

Chapter 8 Father Coughlin



http  During the 1930s and 1940s many American people were against Jews people. Jews people struggle throuhtout  the early 1930s and 1940s . Their discrimination  against were unacceptable to most employers and unwelcome at many colleges and Universitys. Most people were blame Jews for the Great Depression. Most Americans felt threatened by Germans , the Japanese and the Jews.

Charles Edward Coughlin was born into middle class family of irish heritage born 1891. He began his education with in the Catholic Church and school an recieved a bachelor degree from St Michael College. " In 1934 he announced a new political organization called the Nation Union Of Social Justice ". In one article he said Jews people are like cancer to the American society . During the 1936 presidential campaign. In Cleveland he took shots at the Jews.  He said " Jews are money changers and trafficker in gold , driven to acquire wealth. 
 Jewish people were afraid to sent their children school because local gangs would harrass or beatup every jewish boy they caught alone. Police report hundred different cases between Jewish men and women , edderly men being harrass by groups of gangs. He was one of the first political leaders during the 1930s to use radio to reach his audience.

I decided to choose this chapter because I learn about the Great Depression and different challenges that Jews  people face similar challenges that the Africa American face.
http// www. father , http// en wikipedia. org wiki  Charles Coughlin , http// www. father

Chapter 7 Deftying The Ku klux Klan



The Ku klux  was reborn on the Thankgiving night 1915. The founding father of Ku Klux klan is William Joseph Simmons was influential man att the time . During his early years he studied medicine at John Hopkins University , later on became a preacher for the Metholist Episcopal church. Just like most organize they had rules and regulations. The Klans enemies were Blacks, Jews Roman Catholic or anybody else who were not a native born anglo or celtic protestant.

The Ku Klux Klan began in 1866 destroying the freedom of former slave from exercising their rights. The KKK recruiters also make agreement to provide better school systems , improve law enforcement and better community.  The Ku Klux Klan were against president Abraham Lincoln when he decided freed the slaves in the states that had seceded from the Union.

The women Ku Klux klan began in the mid 1869 co founded by Rosie Chappel it lasted ten years. The women were often use as synbol sexual superiority to their counterparter.

I decided to choose this chapter because I wanted to learn about the structure organization and what they believe in . http// www. , http// www. kukluxxklan .b2, http// kkk.b2/ .

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Chapter 6 Muckraking

  http// media.
During the late nineteenth century , The Amercan economy and business expanded throughout  variety American enterprises there were variety new inventions that helped American business become more successful . Most people throught American was on the rise.  The Republican party helped change American to become more business oriented .

Lincoln Steffens was a rising star who studied at the finest school in the Unite state and Europe , he also joined  the New York  Evening Post. He designed his first article that alert the american public about different  corruption . S.S Mc clure  is a irish immigrant who decide to track down inner working  and leader of different corporations. His main persuade is to show the American people all the different corruption that were going on.

Another material that attracted Journalistic attention was the public food and drugs . They spent less time on manufacturing food that was not health. Some products cause cancer and other cause addiction to tobacco , and  other material that help enlarge female breasts. Most American people were unaware  that material were destroying the American people health and transforming  men , women  and children into drug addicts.

I decided to choose this chapter because I wanted to learn about the different corruptions during the later nineteenth century  and I also compared different corruptions during the 21 century . Unfortunately today the level of corruption  is the same. http en wikipedia .org / wiki/ Lincoln Steffens, http// www. Spartcus .school J Steffens. htm, http// www. search .com/ reference/ Liincoln Steffens.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Chapter5 Journalism as Warmonger

 Http dondino exist silencio file. word

http wilk. gif

 http www. inout image Joseph Pulitzer 662.Jpg

During the late nineteenth century , journalist   startedto revolutionize writing. Journalist dynamism began during the darkest moment in the history of the new media. At the end of the nineteenth century business started to changes and attract journalism as way to help spread they business.

Two men helped revolutionize journalism , Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst. Both of men had a bitter rivalry and help brand of sensationalism known as yellow journalism. Yellow journalism began seeking information to attract they audience such as Cuban rebels to overthrow the spanish colonials. The yellow Journalism use this to attract people and to help created sales.

Joseph Politzer is well known as a pioneer in new journalism. He was born in Hungary in 1847.  As a teenage he discover a gift for writing and began writing for the German language newspaper.He began target new that most people in community find  interesting . He also expanded news through variety area of interest  such as sport and introducing women page.
William Randolph Hearst was born in California in 1863. He was different from his counterpart because he was indifferent student who drank too much and spent more time playing around and less time devoted to his education. Fortunately  his father was involved with the news paper. So journalistic is in his DNA.

I decided to choose  this chapter because I wanted to learn about our great leaders in journalistic and how they effort our day to day news . http// Joseph Pulitzer,  http /www. spartacus school , Http // en. wikipedia .org/wiki/ William R. Hearst.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Chapter 4 Attacking Municipal Corruption

http www.
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http www. imperah andrew
In the early 1870s New York City was a very corrupt place. The main base of corruption was Tammany Hall. Tammany Hall control businessman , young hoodlum and organize crime.

During late the eighteen century one man rose to the top . Arnold Rothstein  also known as" The Brain " was a Newyork businessman and gamble who became a famous king pin of the jewish mafia . He was best know as man who fixed the world series.

According to Charles Lucky Luciana  Rothstein transformed organized crime from a street thug to activity by hoodlums into a big business run like a corporation with himself at the top.

Rothstein was like jesus of the Jewish gangster according to Myers Lansky and he show the young of the Bowery how to have style . The Chairman of the commission Luciana later said " taught me how to dress''.

Thomas Nast was born in Germany in 1840 and his family immigrated to Unite state of America search of a better life. Thomas Nast is known as most influential political cartoonist in the history of American Journalism.

I decided to choose  this chapter because I learning a lot about Arnold Rothstein .  Rothstein was a person who first saw in prohibition a business opportunity to enhance his wealthy.  Http// www. Meyer , Http// www. david Rothstein. html/, http // en. wikipedia .org wiki/ Lucky Luciano.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Chapter 3 Slowing the momentum for women rights

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 In America  july ,1848 women started rebellion against the men with power . During 18 centuries men and women were not treated equally. First debated was about the Declaration of Independence and how they paraphrase it . " That all  men and women are created equally.

During the  late seventeen century women began making major contributions to society during  colonial times , diverse, fields such as education , medicine , literature law, and printing. In 1777 Mary Katerine Goddard became respectable printer. She is known to have print the first official copy of the Declaration of Independence.

 The founding father didn't concern or state t women rights.  Susan B Anthony had emerged as important sympathetic to Stanton. In 1820 she taught school for fifteen years before committing her life to help change women right.
Stanton and Anthony combined their knowledge to help create a dynamic partnership at the head of the movement. Hundreds of women rights campaigned and petitioned all over country. The fourteen amendment gave former male slave the vote and the women intensified the campaign for their own enfranchisement .

http resource
http www. great

I decided to choose   this chapter because I  was  eager to learn about our great leaders and how they effort our day to day life. I also believe   "all men and women are created equal." http// www. Stanton anthony, Http// www. Sba  Http// Susan anthony

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Chapter 1 Mightier than the sword

http images virtulology. com/ac/4/i/ency 0265.JPg

In the summer of 1776 , the world was in disarray . Most colonists began an open rebellion so strong and so potent that it could create a world power all it's own.Most countries such as France , Russia , Cuba ,the Philippines, started to look for they own interesting.

In 1776 Thomas Paine was committed both to revolution and to help shape American history. He wrote "common sense and it played a singular role in transform the British political and social . The course of human history in the second millennium was change by this. When the Dissension Take Root, it was about the political background of the American revolution . In 1763 the British again victory over the French. The constant battles nearly left the British treasury bankrupt.

Sam Adam would in 1773 , organize the Boston Tea Party. In the 1760s, he began writing hundreds of essays and new articles. In 1764 he debate  that the British parliament was imposing too many taxes on the colonists.
http www. 00701 Jpg

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  I decided choose this chapter because Thomas Paine writing inspired me  to learn more about common sense. The year 1776 was important because it helped shape American . I chose this chapter because Thomas Paine is one of my role model because of his writing . Http // www. Thomas, www. deism .com/ Paine htm, http www. Thomas Paine society .org

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Mightier than the sword chapter two

http www. Art history
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In chapter two there are several key elements about people for against slavery. The author discussed individuals with power and individuals who accept the circumstance of slavery.

One man who was against slavery was Rev Elijah P.Love , who devoted  his life to help end slavery. People for slavery decided to destroy his first printers press, then his second, then his third . His rebellion was a key element that caused advocacy journalist to suffered from the 1820s and 1860s.

The most famous of the crusading editors was William Lloyd Garrison whose liberator publication synonymous with the abolitionist press.

The Peculiar Institution Divides a nation by split country into two distinct sections. The north side began to industrialize with the burgeoning of urban based factories. The south on the other side dominated by the production of cotton and tobacco and both relying on slave labor to make a profit.
He began to compare slavery with freedom expression and press .Later on in life his theory will become the first amendment .

I decided to  choose this chapter because I was eager to learn about slavery. One person who caught my attention is Rev Elijah  P. Love joy a man that died for what he believe in . www. alton history/love joy/, www. Spartacus school USA Love joy html, madison ilgen /Love joy. html/